International Trans-Disciplinary Workshop on Ayurveda, Siddha, Philosophies and South Epistemologies
July 23-25, 2024, at St Thomas College, Palai, Kerala, India
Organised by
Dept Biochemistry, St Thomas College, Palai & Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Cell India, Center for Advanced Studies and Integrated Research in Ayurveda (CASIRA), Personalised and Precision Health Systems (PPHS), Bengaluru International Cooperative of Universities India (ICU India), Coimbatore L’Université Coopérative Internationale (LUCI)- UMR CNRS LADYSS Paris 8-Vincennes, Université de Paris 8-Vincennes, France
At the crossroads of Ayurveda, Siddha, Philosophies and South Epistemologies, how to rediscover and re-contextualise the fundamental foundations of Codified Traditional Medicine in a pluralistic medical approach ? In the context of People’s Health, which designates the constitution and transformation of research practices, the training and co-construction of an emancipatory health of emancipatory promotion resulting from ecological knowledge, the International Transdisciplinary Workshop aims to include, to at the same time, experiences of resistance through the research of AYUSH doctors and the scientific inter-struggles led by researchers from the Forum for Medical Pluralism with researchers from Epistemologies of the South, in an Indian society crossed by territorial heterogeneities, inequalities plural, radical exclusions and the ecological crisis. This Samsrishta is therefore part of critical engagements and counter-hegemonic appropriations for the establishment of a dialogue between the diversity of knowledge and care practices of AYUSH health systems and the knowledge of western biomedicine aimed at the construction of an ecology of health knowledge. Thus, far from a discipline with strict boundaries, epistemic injustices will be studied by intellectual discrimination, law and anti-discriminatory policies of care practices, the social experience of the oppression of biomedicine against Ayurvedic medicine, the modalities of choice of care practices by patients, inclusion or exclusion and representation of Ayurvedic doctors as minority groups, the conservative mobilisations of western medicine, or the lived experience of the group of Ayurvedic or Siddha doctors as a minority body, from an Indian perspective which requires drawing on law, sociology, political science, ethics, philosophies and Indian literature. The objective of this conversation will then consist of tying together all of these threads without losing coherent links with the episteme of Ayurveda and Siddha medicine and work for an International Cooperative of Universities India (ICU India).
The complete day-by-day programme
Program 23th of July Critical public health and the politics of medical knowledge : from the East and the West, South Epistemologies |
9.30 am -10.30 am |
Inauguration and Introduction of the ITD Workshop Ratheesh M - Dept Biochemistry, St Thomas College, Maël Voegeli - ICU India, Coimbatore Jacqueline Descarpentries - UMR CNRS LADYSS Paris 8-Vincennes France (Visio) |
10.30 am - 12.15 am |
Introducing the Philosophy, Epistemology and Ethics of Ayurveda and Siddha Sujatha V - JNU Delhi, M Prasad - Sunethri Ayurvedashramam, Thrissur Tea Break Rishi Manivannan - ICU India, Combatore |
12.15 pm - 1.15 pm |
South Epistemologies Boaventura de Sousa Santos - Centre d’Étude Sociale de l’Université de Coimbra, Portugal (Visio) |
1.15 pm - 2 pm |
Lunch |
2 pm - 3.45 pm |
Kerala Public Health Act Praveen T Dharmaratnam - Abhaya Homoepathy Research Center, Kerala One Health, a Traditional and Indian vision AV Harikumar - National Dairy Development Board, Gujarat Collective Health Joao Nunès - Centre d’Étude Sociale de l’Université de Coimbra, Portugal (Visio) |
3.45 pm - 4 pm |
Tea Break |
4 pm - 6 pm |
Transdiciplinary Workshop on Critical Public Health and Epistemologies of the South Facilitator : Skantesh Lakshmanan & Rama Jayasundar |
7 pm |
Dinner |
8.30 pm |
Open Discussion, Feedback |
24th of July Plural medical epistemologies : representation of bodies, mutual understanding, pluriversity |
9.15 am - 11 am |
Epistemology of the body Jinan KB - Feelance, Thrissur Svastya int he context of 4 tyres Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana - TDU Bodies in Ayurveda and Siddha philosophies Brahmadathan & Vimala- Ullanur Mana |
11.15 am - 11.30 am |
Tea Break |
11.30 am - 11.45 |
Ayurveda and Astrology Sreedurgha Kuttanchery Hari - Ashtavaidyan Kuttanchery Familly |
11.45 am - 12.30 pm |
A holistic historical approach to health. Byzantine physicians’ perception of the body and health of eunuchs Georges Sideris - Sorbonne Université and Monde Byzantin, Collège de France |
12.30 pm - 1.30 pm |
Lunch |
2.00 pm - 4.00 pm |
Medical Pluralism in India Challenges and Scope Leena Abraham - Center for Studies in Sociology of Education, Tata Institute of S.S. Geetha Krishnan - WHO CC for Traditional Medicine, Jamnagar (Visio) Plurivers and pluriversity Manola Antonioli - ENSAPLV LAA-UMR LAVUE 7218 CNRS France |
4.00 pm - 4.15 pm | Tea Break |
4.15 pm - 6.00 pm |
Transdisciplinary Workshop on Epistemic Models Conversation Facilitator : Ajayan Sadanandan & Rishi Manivannan Madan kumar Sheela |
7.00 pm | Dinner |
8.30 pm |
Open Discussion, Feedback |
25th of July Evidence based validation and Biomedicalisation of traditional medicine : epistemic injustice, extractivism, decolonisation, creation of new models and new methodologies |
9.00 am - 9.30 am |
Ayurveda For One Health Industry Perspective Sheela Karalam B - Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Research Institute |
9.30 am - 10.00 am |
Towards a Structural Response to Epistemic Injustice Angelo Vannini - International College of Philosophy, University Paris 8, France (Visio) |
10.00 am - 10.45 am |
Ayurveda and conventional medicine : why and how they differ and why it matters ? Rama Jayasundar - Department of NMR & MRI, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi |
11.10 am - 11.25 am |
Tea Break |
11.25 am - 12.10 pm |
Indic methods on knowledge representation Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka |
12.10 pm - 1.00 pm |
Decolonisation of the Knowledge Paula Ménèses - Centre d’Étude Sociale de l’Université de Coimbra, Portugal (Visio) |
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm | Lunch |
2.00 pm - 2.30 pm |
Epistemic violences shared by women during COVID Gissel Maidana - UMR CNRS LADYSS Paris 8, LUCI, University Paris 8, France (Visio) |
2.30 pm - 4.00 pm |
Transdisciplinary Workshops on Research Methodologies |
4.00 pm - 4.15 pm |
Tea Break |
4.15 pm - 6.00 pm |
Discussion on Future Perspectives |
7.00 pm | Dinner |
8.30 pm | Cultural Program |